
Full name:


Generates Java POJOs for type-safe access to the CDS model.

This goal scans the resource directory for a csn.json file and uses it for Java source code generation. It also adds the code output directory to the project's source code directories configuration. This allows you to use the generated Java classes in your custom code without any additional configuration in the project.

Note: If you call this goal from the command line (mvn cds:generate) and you want to leverage the configuration (e.g. basePackage) from the pom.xml, you have to specify the execution id (mvn cds:generate@<>) of this goal from the pom.xml:

For this example, the required command line is mvn cds:generate@cds.generate.

If you call this goal without the execution id, you have to provide the configuration with properties on the command line (mvn cds:generate -Dcds.generate.basePackage=cds.gen).


  • Requires a Maven project to be executed.
  • Executes as an aggregator goal.
  • The goal is not marked as thread-safe and thus does not support parallel builds.
  • Since version: 1.7.0.
  • Binds by default to the lifecycle phase: generate-resources.

Required Parameters

Name Type Since Description
<codeOutputDirectory> File - The output directory for generated Java classes. This directory is added to the source directories of your project.
Default: ${project.basedir}/src/gen/
User Property: cds.codeOutputDirectory

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
<annotationDetailLevel> GeneratedAnnotationDetailLevel 2.1.0 Defines the level of the details of the annotation @javax.annotation.processing.Generated that is added to the accessor interfaces. Following levels of the details are available:
  • NONE
  • annotation is not added
  • annotation is added with the name of the plugin.
  • FULL
  • annotation is added with full details

Default: FULL
User Property: cds.generate.annotationDetailLevel
<basePackage> String - Base package of generated Java classes.
User Property: cds.generate.basePackage
<cqnService> Boolean 2.0.4 Determine whether to create interfaces for CqnServices.
Default: true
User Property: cds.generate.cqnService
<csnFile> File 1.8.0 Location of the csn file used for Java source code generation. If not specified, all resource directories are scanned for a csn.json file. If multiple csn.json files are found, the first one is used.
User Property: cds.generate.csnFile
<documentation> boolean 1.17.0 Determine whether to generate Javadoc for the generated interfaces.
Default: true
User Property: cds.documentation
<eventContext> boolean - Determine whether to generate interfaces extending EventContext for actions and functions.
Default: true
User Property: cds.generate.eventContext
<excludes> List<String> - Namespaces/definitions of CDS model to be excluded from source code generation. From the set of all included definitions, the following namespaces/definitions will be excluded. An exclude always overrules an include.
For example, the exclude my.bookshop.* will exclude all definitions with namespace my.bookshop and the exclude my.bookshop.** will exclude all definitions with fully qualified name beginning with my.bookshop.
Default: localized.**
User Property: cds.generate.excludes
<feature> String 3.2.0 Specifies the generation feature to execute. If a feature is specified, this goal may only be called from the command line.

Supported features are:
  • Generate event handler classes for actions and functions

Note: This parameter must not be used in a pom.xml, it is intended for other tools to provide additional features for code generation.
User Property: cds.generate.feature
<generatedHandlersPackage> String 3.2.0 Defines the package within the application service package where the generated handlers will be created.

Note: This parameter must not be used in a pom.xml, it is intended for other tools to provide additional features for code generation.

Default: handlers
User Property: cds.generate.handlers.package
<includes> List<String> 1.21.0 Namespaces/definitions of CDS model to be included into source code generation. By default, all definitions/namespaces are included unless an includes is specified explicitly. In which case, only the explicitly specified definitions/namespaces are included.
For example, the include my.bookshop.orders.* will include only those definitions with namespace my.bookshop.orders and the include my.bookshop.books.** will include all definitions with fully qualified name beginning with my.bookshop.books.
User Property: cds.generate.includes
<interfacesForAspects> boolean 3.0.0 Enables the generation of accessor interfaces for entities representing the targets of compositions of aspects. This might be incompatible with existing code as the type of the getters and setters for compositions will change.
Default: false
User Property: cds.generate.interfacesForAspects
<methodStyle> MethodStyle - Defines method styling for accessor interface methods; follows either the Java Bean style method naming for getters & setters denoted by BEAN or the Fluent style denoted by FLUENT.
Valid values: BEAN or FLUENT.
Default: BEAN
User Property: cds.generate.methodStyle
<overwrite> boolean 3.2.0 Overwrite existing files during code generation. If set to true, existing files will be overwritten.

Note:Use carefully, as it overwrites existing files without confirmation and does not back up existing files.

This parameter must not be used in a pom.xml, it is intended for other tools to provide additional features for code generation.

Default: false
User Property: cds.generate.overwrite
<sharedInterfaces> boolean 2.8.0
Will be removed in a future release and the default behaviour will be used.

Enables the usage of interfaces generated for the global types with inline anonymous arrayed types in the interfaces generated for actions and functions. With this switch off, the interfaces for an actions or functions always represent these types as inner interfaces which might lead to a duplication of code. With this switch on, the globally generated interfaces will be preferred over the inline interfaces. This might be incompatible with existing code that uses the inline interfaces.
Default: true
User Property: cds.generate.sharedInterfaces
<skip> boolean - Skip execution of this goal.
Default: false
User Property: cds.generate.skip
<strictSetters> boolean 3.3.0 Enables strict setters for generated accessor interfaces. This enforces usage of typed interfaces in setters of associations, instead of using more generic Map<String, Object> or List<Map<String, Object>> argument types.
Default: false
User Property: cds.generate.strictSetters
<testSources> boolean 1.31.0 Determine whether to add generated sources to compile or test sources.
Default: false
User Property: cds.generate.testSources
<uniqueEventContexts> boolean 2.9.0
Will be removed in a future release and the default behaviour will be used.

Determines whether the event context interfaces should be unique for bound actions and functions. If set to true, the event context interface name of bound actions and functions will be prefixed with the entity name.

Note: This is incompatible with existing code that uses the event context interfaces for bound actions or functions.

Default: true
User Property: cds.generate.uniqueEventContexts

Parameter Details


Defines the level of the details of the annotation @javax.annotation.processing.Generated that is added to the accessor interfaces. Following levels of the details are available:
  • NONE
  • annotation is not added
  • annotation is added with the name of the plugin.
  • FULL
  • annotation is added with full details
  • Type:
  • Since: 2.1.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: cds.generate.annotationDetailLevel
  • Default: FULL


Base package of generated Java classes.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: cds.generate.basePackage


The output directory for generated Java classes. This directory is added to the source directories of your project.
  • Type:
  • Required: Yes
  • User Property: cds.codeOutputDirectory
  • Default: ${project.basedir}/src/gen/


Determine whether to create interfaces for CqnServices.
  • Type: java.lang.Boolean
  • Since: 2.0.4
  • Required: No
  • User Property: cds.generate.cqnService
  • Default: true


Location of the csn file used for Java source code generation. If not specified, all resource directories are scanned for a csn.json file. If multiple csn.json files are found, the first one is used.
  • Type:
  • Since: 1.8.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: cds.generate.csnFile


Determine whether to generate Javadoc for the generated interfaces.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.17.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: cds.documentation
  • Default: true


Determine whether to generate interfaces extending EventContext for actions and functions.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property: cds.generate.eventContext
  • Default: true


Namespaces/definitions of CDS model to be excluded from source code generation. From the set of all included definitions, the following namespaces/definitions will be excluded. An exclude always overrules an include.
For example, the exclude my.bookshop.* will exclude all definitions with namespace my.bookshop and the exclude my.bookshop.** will exclude all definitions with fully qualified name beginning with my.bookshop.
  • Type: java.util.List<java.lang.String>
  • Required: No
  • User Property: cds.generate.excludes
  • Default: localized.**


Specifies the generation feature to execute. If a feature is specified, this goal may only be called from the command line.

Supported features are:
  • Generate event handler classes for actions and functions

Note: This parameter must not be used in a pom.xml, it is intended for other tools to provide additional features for code generation.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 3.2.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: cds.generate.feature


Defines the package within the application service package where the generated handlers will be created.

Note: This parameter must not be used in a pom.xml, it is intended for other tools to provide additional features for code generation.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 3.2.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: cds.generate.handlers.package
  • Default: handlers


Namespaces/definitions of CDS model to be included into source code generation. By default, all definitions/namespaces are included unless an includes is specified explicitly. In which case, only the explicitly specified definitions/namespaces are included.
For example, the include my.bookshop.orders.* will include only those definitions with namespace my.bookshop.orders and the include my.bookshop.books.** will include all definitions with fully qualified name beginning with my.bookshop.books.
  • Type: java.util.List<java.lang.String>
  • Since: 1.21.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: cds.generate.includes


Enables the generation of accessor interfaces for entities representing the targets of compositions of aspects. This might be incompatible with existing code as the type of the getters and setters for compositions will change.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 3.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: cds.generate.interfacesForAspects
  • Default: false


Defines method styling for accessor interface methods; follows either the Java Bean style method naming for getters & setters denoted by BEAN or the Fluent style denoted by FLUENT.
Valid values: BEAN or FLUENT.
  • Type:
  • Required: No
  • User Property: cds.generate.methodStyle
  • Default: BEAN


Overwrite existing files during code generation. If set to true, existing files will be overwritten.

Note:Use carefully, as it overwrites existing files without confirmation and does not back up existing files.

This parameter must not be used in a pom.xml, it is intended for other tools to provide additional features for code generation.

  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 3.2.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: cds.generate.overwrite
  • Default: false


Will be removed in a future release and the default behaviour will be used.

Enables the usage of interfaces generated for the global types with inline anonymous arrayed types in the interfaces generated for actions and functions. With this switch off, the interfaces for an actions or functions always represent these types as inner interfaces which might lead to a duplication of code. With this switch on, the globally generated interfaces will be preferred over the inline interfaces. This might be incompatible with existing code that uses the inline interfaces.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 2.8.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: cds.generate.sharedInterfaces
  • Default: true


Skip execution of this goal.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property: cds.generate.skip
  • Default: false


Enables strict setters for generated accessor interfaces. This enforces usage of typed interfaces in setters of associations, instead of using more generic Map<String, Object> or List<Map<String, Object>> argument types.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 3.3.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: cds.generate.strictSetters
  • Default: false


Determine whether to add generated sources to compile or test sources.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.31.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: cds.generate.testSources
  • Default: false


Will be removed in a future release and the default behaviour will be used.

Determines whether the event context interfaces should be unique for bound actions and functions. If set to true, the event context interface name of bound actions and functions will be prefixed with the entity name.

Note: This is incompatible with existing code that uses the event context interfaces for bound actions or functions.

  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 2.9.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: cds.generate.uniqueEventContexts
  • Default: true